I'm so excited that I'm finally finished with my dining room table. Unfortunately I forgot to take a before picture, but if you can use your imagination it was the same color as my chairs. Plain natural pine.
Gardening, Cooking, Crochet Items, Tag Sale Finds, Home Decor, and other Lifestyle Musings
Well, I still have not finished my dining room table. I put the first coat of clear sealer today though, so progress is coming along.
I have yet to get those goards either! But while I was in the garden today I noticed that I do have a lot of over-grown plants that were getting kind of crazy because they were so heavy they were falling on the ground.
This project might look more beautiful with some rope, but all I had was something called Eco-Twine. I purchased it at the nursery earlier this spring. I have to say it was super easy to use on the herbs/flowers and I also used it as something to hang them from above my kitchen window.
Anyhow, what I have hanging thus so far are Dill in the left, some of my Bahelor Buttons in the middle (I like the coney shape they take when their petles fall off) . And on the right I have Sage.
When some more herbs are ready to pick this fall, it will be a good idea to try this again. I like it!