Eclectic NV
Gardening, Cooking, Crochet Items, Tag Sale Finds, Home Decor, and other Lifestyle Musings
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I miss blogging and will have to start up again.....will share more soon!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sparkly Fall Glitter Center Piece

Sunday, November 7, 2010
I'm still around
So now I'm trying to relax a little. I did pick up going to the gym again wich is something I need to keep on track with.
I'm thinking about bringing the sewing machine back out, I can't wait to go read all of your blogs....... I"ve missed them all.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Dining Room Table Finished!

I'm so excited that I'm finally finished with my dining room table. Unfortunately I forgot to take a before picture, but if you can use your imagination it was the same color as my chairs. Plain natural pine.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Junk Collection

Monday, August 23, 2010
A Kitchen Tip and Update to Previous Post

Decorating with Herbs and Flowers

Well, I still have not finished my dining room table. I put the first coat of clear sealer today though, so progress is coming along.
I have yet to get those goards either! But while I was in the garden today I noticed that I do have a lot of over-grown plants that were getting kind of crazy because they were so heavy they were falling on the ground.
This project might look more beautiful with some rope, but all I had was something called Eco-Twine. I purchased it at the nursery earlier this spring. I have to say it was super easy to use on the herbs/flowers and I also used it as something to hang them from above my kitchen window.
Anyhow, what I have hanging thus so far are Dill in the left, some of my Bahelor Buttons in the middle (I like the coney shape they take when their petles fall off) . And on the right I have Sage.
When some more herbs are ready to pick this fall, it will be a good idea to try this again. I like it!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Are You Feeling Fall Yet?

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Pillows, and Stuff

I was having more problems with my sewing machine, and found out that my clutch wheel was stuck..... Now I am in the clear... Yay! I got on a mad houswife tangent and decided to dedicate an evening to making more slipcovers.... this is basicly what I have finished so far. I want to add more of the teal pasily pattern, and some stripes.
I also am currently working on my dining room table. It was unfinished natural pine, and I did not like it. So I have done a lot of sanding inbetween staining and I think I am almost ready to seal it with a polyurethane satin finish.
I can not wait to set the table once its finished.... but then I will also have to re-finish my chairs. And now I have been dreaming about slip covers thanks to Kelly at Much to Do with Nothing's blog. Go check out her blog! She has great tutorials and has given me much inspiration! :)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Hollyhocks, Bachelor's Buttons, and Black Eyed Susans

I just thought I would share some pictures of a few of my favorite flowers that I have been waiting patiently to bloom.
Of the hollyhocks that I planted so far this year, I have pink, yellow,red, and wine colored flowers. I took a picture of the pink because I love it's blooms.
The bachelors buttons have taken a long time to bloom but I think they are worth the wait. I picked a deep purple, and a lilac shaded one the other day. I see some pink and light colored ones with buds getting ready to bloom, I'm sure they will be pretty.
The black eyed susan flower is another unexpected flower to join the bed. I must have planted it last year, I do recall using a mixture of perennials and annuals. I probly picked a bunch of the black eyed susan's thinking they were weeds. Nice to have one though!
Hope you like the pictures!:)